September 11 th
Of course today is the fifth anniversary of the attacks in New York but less well known it is the fourth anniversary of my partner and I going to the States.
Yes we were there during the first anniversary of the attacks. During 9/11 itself (or 11/9 as the English (UK) would date it) I seem to recall we were in some small town. Around the first anniversary of 9/11 itself we were in places like Las Vegas.
In Las Vegas they have a mini New York , Paris, Venice and so forth. Lots of tributes were made, especially to the fire fighters of NY, around the small scale version of a famous NY landmark in Las Vegas. I remember seeing tributes from UK fire fighters amongst the many there at the time (we have some video footage of this) and it was, I have to say, rather moving. All a bit weird but rather moving…
Another thing beyond doubt at this time (whatever the UK media were saying) is that the decision had been taken (mentally, collectively, nationally) to invade Iraq.
You just knew it.