Friday, September 15, 2006


Today was the second day of my PGCHE induction.

As someone who has taught for many years I have to admit that I wasn't sure what I would get out of it from the pre-programme material. However it was rather good.

I had originally intended to upload a comment yesterday but I was so tired after the sessions, and then going home and coping with my (delightful) but energetic boys, that I never got around to it. I should (must) also add that I also did a couple of hours of "normal university work" in the evening before I had the chance to upload even the briefest of blog comments about that first day. I was still marking re-sit assignments (for one module) and trying to work out timetabling issues.

Anyway back to today. The first two days have been really good. First off I met a really nice bunch of people: intelligent, enthusiastic and expert in their respective fields. In fact everything you would want (in some ways) from Higher Education staff. Secondly the materials made me re-visit some of the “givens” and two things occurred; either it confirmed the fact hat I was doing something right anyway, or it reminded me of where I might have slipped over the years in relation to certain issues.



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