Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Second Life as a partial answer?

If you've read the posts about the videos below (students holding up signs etc to convey impressions of how education isn't working for them) then is educational engagement via Second Life a partial answer? Well, maybe, but only partial. But here is a short positive video on just this issue. Go Go Joe!

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Blogger Lisa Fisher said...

Sorry ...posted this is the wrong place:)
Are you responsible for the Nottingham Trent University sim that the NTU is funding in Second Life. I have visited there many times and the only activities I have seen are punk music clubs. This is alright of course but not really what I had expected from an NTU educational island. Unless of course its just a group of staff at the NTU who are using the NTU email address and billing info to get a sim in SL just for their own pleasure. Its all a bit dissapointing really, I was really looking forward to some great innovative courses in this fantastic new media.

5:19 AM  

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