Saturday, January 06, 2007

Web Free.0 Anyone?

Lots of fuss over Web 2.0 and what it really means but most people are agreed that it means something big. People are also speculating about Web 3.0. While listening to a recent CNET BuzzOutLoud podcast one of the guests mantioned that he'd even registered the domain name "Web" though quite what he registered I'm not sure but it couln'dt have been what I've just typed. But I'm going off topic...

I was think about Web 3.0 and wondered if Web Free.0 might actually the next big step? The reason being my suggestion of "Free" rather than "3" is that this would signify not another wave of services (which seems to be epitomising Web 2.0) but that the actual web (really underlying Internet) would be freely available in two senses. It would be freely available geographically - anyplace anytime access - and that it would be freely available as in no cost. Wouldn't that be great? There are some little pockets of this already (at a price) but imagine a truly pervasive, free to access, network, for all those services to ride on and for end users to maximise their use of the services.

Lots of Web 2.0 (and other older services) are free to use but they are not free to access. If we are to prevent a widening digital divide then we need to make *access to* the services free and not just the services themselves.

So three cheers for Web Free.0?

p.s. A quick Google search turned up several instances of the term all fro mthe smae person Howard Lindzon at but he takes a narrow perspective that seeks to "monetize" this term. In his blog he is talking about a commission free stock trading service rather the grander global vision I'm soap boxing about. I suspect many others have also come up with variations, especially pseudo puns, on this phrase. Ah the joys of the web - any version!


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