Tuesday, November 28, 2006

YouTube + Simpsons + Hardcore Nudity

Okay here is a clip from YouTube featuring The Simpsons.

Not the best quality video capture but it will suffice for our purposes.

It shows an example of how one can easily link to clips on sites like YouTube (when I view the clip on YouTube they give me the HTML code I need to copy and paste into my blog page to get the video player and clip) and I’ve chosen The Simpsons because Fox (which owns the copyright is notoriously litigious).

Presumably Fox could sue YouTube (now owned by Google of course, which is sitting on piles of cash) before me and I haven’t taken their clip anyway, merely provided a hyperlink (actual code courtesy of YouTube) to show it.

You can see why lawyers involved in this area are ordering new Porsches. There’s a certain level of ambiguity and complexity, which means the likelihood of multiple trials, and appeals, and lots of money for the legal eagles (read a few John Grisham novels to understand how making money can be so easy in today’s complex legal system).


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