Too Busy To Blog?

Although I've made it clear that I would never pretend to blog daily I've had lots of things I wanted to blog about lately but I've been so busy reading about blogging (and other Web 2.0 definers) as research for an article I'm writing that I've not had time to actually blog.
Okay the odd moment here and there. Usually late at night, which is not always the wisest time to blog of course... But will try to refocus on the blog and similar things soon. Ideally I would build some time into my calendar every day to update my (work related) blog, post things to Flickr and do a whole host of similar things.
Yeah right!
Something that always amuses me about the default spell checker in Blogger is that it does not recognise the word blog, or indeed blogging, which you would think they would put into it's dictionary. See image.
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