Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Skype Delight?

This afternoon I took part in a Skype Conference with various colleagues (in a nice but loose sense) and it was really quite useful. I was not the only person participating from home as our respective universities did not permit the use of Skype.

Some useful exchanges of ideas and simply good to have a chat using the software and get used to its limitations. In the larger group of around 8 people there were some noticeable problems around echoes (possibly technically server latency issues but not sure) but in smaller groups of either 2 or 4 the sound quality was really very good. The Skype session was used in conjunction with Google Documents, which allowed us to collaboratively edit an online document to produce a record of the session.

So a big hello to everyone from this afternoon – you know who you are if you are reading this.



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