Friday, March 16, 2007

A First Class Ticket to Dottingham?

(The title of this post and first paragraph also appear on the Internet, Computers & Society module blog but I didn't think the second paragraph was relevant to the students.)

There used to be an advert for Tunes (I think) where a man with a heavy cold cannot make himself heard to the person at the railway ticket counter. If anyone is watching these demo clips then you'll hopefully realise that I made one batch while I was full of cold. So I sound a bit odd but it also means I wasn't very focussed on the materials. So they're a little waffly but they're only demos so that's okay.

All part of the process of being a reflective practitioner. You plod along at times, soar along at others, try things out, get feedback, consider it (accept/reject the feedback?)and repeat the process... Is this the wheel of progress or the treadmill of despair? Some days it can seem like both!

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